Friday, May 26, 2023

How To Make Your Home Locks More Secure

The security of our homes is of paramount importance, and one of the first lines of defense is our door locks. While most traditional locks provide a basic level of security, there are several measures you can take to enhance the safety of your home. In this article, we will explore practical and effective ways to make your home locks more secure, providing you with peace of mind and protecting your loved ones and valuables.

Upgrade to High-Quality Locks:
Investing in high-quality locks is the first step towards improving the security of your home. Look for locks that are resistant to picking, bumping, and drilling. Grade 1 deadbolt locks are considered the most secure and are recommended by security experts. Reinforce your entry doors with solid wood or metal frames to enhance the strength and durability of the locks.

Install Deadbolt Locks:
Deadbolt locks provide an additional layer of security compared to spring latch locks. Opt for single-cylinder deadbolts, which can be locked and unlocked from the inside with a thumbturn and from the outside with a key. Consider double-cylinder deadbolts for doors with glass panels or windows near the lock, as they require a key for both sides and prevent burglars from accessing the lock through breakage.

Reinforce Door Frames and Strike Plates:
A sturdy door frame and a robust strike plate are essential for a secure lock. Ensure that your door frame is made of solid wood or metal and that it extends deep into the wall. Reinforce the strike plate with longer screws that penetrate into the door frame or use a security strike plate. This makes it more difficult for intruders to kick or force the door open.

Install a Door Viewer or Peephole:
A door viewer or peephole allows you to identify visitors before opening the door. Install a wide-angle peephole at an appropriate height to have a clear view of the outside. This simple addition provides an extra layer of security by allowing you to verify the identity of anyone knocking on your door.

Implement Key Control:
Maintaining control over your keys is crucial for home security. Avoid lending keys to others unless absolutely necessary and keep track of who has access to your home. Consider using a key control system or a keyless entry system that allows you to grant temporary access to service providers or guests without providing physical keys.

Reinforce Sliding Doors and Windows:
Sliding doors and windows are vulnerable entry points for burglars. Install security bars or rods to prevent them from being forced open. Place a wooden or metal rod in the track of sliding doors to prevent them from being lifted or forced open. Additionally, consider adding window film or laminated glass to make windows more resistant to breaking.

Install Security Cameras and Alarm Systems:
A visible security camera system can act as a deterrent for potential intruders. Install cameras near entry points and areas with valuable assets. Combine them with motion sensors and connect them to a home security system or mobile app for real-time monitoring. Additionally, consider installing an audible alarm system that alerts you and nearby neighbors in case of a break-in.

Maintain Outdoor Lighting:
Well-lit surroundings can discourage burglars from targeting your home. Install outdoor lighting around entry points, pathways, and dark corners. Use motion sensor lights to automatically illuminate when movement is detected. Adequate lighting increases visibility and makes it harder for intruders to approach your home unnoticed.

Practice Home Security Habits:
Even with advanced locks and security systems, it’s essential to practice good home security habits. Always lock your doors and windows, even when you are at home. Keep your keys secure and avoid hiding spare keys outside. Be cautious when sharing information about your home or travel plans, especially on public platforms. Be mindful of who you provide access to your home, and consider using smart locks that allow you to monitor and control access remotely. Additionally, be aware of your surroundings and report any suspicious activity to local authorities.

Regular Maintenance and Inspections:
Regularly inspect and maintain your locks to ensure they are in proper working condition. Lubricate them as needed to prevent stiffness or jamming. Replace any damaged or worn-out locks immediately. It’s also advisable to periodically review your home security measures and make necessary updates based on the latest advancements in lock technology and security practices.

Securing your home starts with ensuring that your locks provide a strong and reliable defense against potential intruders. By upgrading to high-quality locks, installing deadbolts, reinforcing door frames, and implementing additional security measures like door viewers and alarm systems, you can significantly enhance the safety of your home. Remember to practice good home security habits, maintain outdoor lighting, and regularly inspect and maintain your locks for optimal performance. By taking these proactive measures, you can make your home more secure and protect your loved ones and belongings from potential threats. Invest in your home’s security today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home is well-protected.


Thursday, May 4, 2023

How To Keep Your Home Well Protected

When it comes to protecting your home, there are many things you can do to ensure your safety and security. From simple preventative measures to more complex security systems, there are many options available to homeowners. Here are some tips on how to keep your home well protected.

Install a security system

One of the best ways to protect your home is by installing a security system. A security system can include sensors on windows and doors, motion detectors, and cameras. When you have a security system in place, it can provide you with peace of mind knowing that your home is being monitored 24/7.

Keep your doors and windows locked

While this may seem like an obvious tip, it’s important to remember to keep your doors and windows locked at all times. This includes when you are home and when you are away. Make sure that all of your doors and windows have working locks, and consider adding additional locks or reinforcing your doors and windows with security bars.

Use smart technology

Smart technology can be an effective way to protect your home. With smart locks, you can control who enters your home by setting up virtual keys for family members, friends, or trusted contractors. Smart cameras can also be installed to monitor your home when you’re away, and smart home systems can be programmed to turn on lights and music to create the illusion that someone is home.

Secure your Wi-Fi network

Your home’s Wi-Fi network can be a weak point in your security if it’s not properly secured. Make sure to set a strong password for your Wi-Fi network and enable WPA2 encryption. You can also consider setting up a guest network for visitors to use, which will keep your main network secure.

Keep your yard well-maintained

A well-maintained yard can also be a deterrent to potential burglars. Keep your bushes and trees trimmed, and make sure that there are no areas that provide cover for someone to hide. Install motion-sensor lights around the perimeter of your home, which will turn on when someone approaches.

Get to know your neighbors

Getting to know your neighbors can also be an effective way to protect your home. When you have a good relationship with your neighbors, they are more likely to keep an eye on your home when you’re away. They can also alert you if they notice any suspicious activity in the area.

Don’t advertise your absence

When you’re going away on vacation, it’s important not to advertise your absence. This means not posting about your trip on social media until you return, and making sure that your mail and newspaper deliveries are stopped or picked up by a neighbor. You can also consider setting up timers to turn lights on and off to create the illusion that someone is home.

Keep valuables out of sight

Finally, it’s important to keep your valuables out of sight. Don’t leave expensive items, such as jewelry, electronics, or cash, in plain view of windows or doors. Instead, keep them in a safe or a locked closet. This can help to deter burglars who may be tempted by valuable items that they can easily see.

Install smoke detectors

While smoke detectors may not seem like a direct way to protect your home from burglars, they can be a lifesaver in the event of a fire. Install smoke detectors on each level of your home, and make sure that they are in working order by testing them regularly. In addition, consider installing a carbon monoxide detector, which can detect the presence of the deadly gas.

Consider a safe room

If you live in an area with a high risk of burglary or natural disasters, you may want to consider a safe room. This is a room that is designed to withstand extreme weather conditions and protect you from intruders. A safe room can be reinforced with steel walls, a solid door, and a communication system to contact emergency services.

Keeping your home well-protected requires a combination of preventative measures, smart technology, and common sense. By installing a security system, keeping your doors and windows locked, and maintaining your yard, you can help to deter burglars and keep your home safe. In addition, be aware of scams, have an emergency plan in place, and consider a safe room if necessary. With these tips, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that you’ve taken the necessary steps to protect your home and family.


Monday, May 1, 2023

Monitored Security System

A monitored security system is an essential tool for ensuring the safety and security of homes, businesses, and other properties. This type of security system typically consists of a series of sensors, cameras, and other devices that are installed throughout a property, and that are designed to detect any suspicious activity or unauthorized access. These sensors and cameras are connected to a central monitoring station, where trained professionals are available to respond quickly to any alerts or alarms that are triggered.

One of the primary benefits of a monitored security system is that it provides an additional layer of protection against burglars, vandals, and other criminals. With sensors and cameras installed throughout a property, a monitored security system can detect and alert authorities to any signs of forced entry or unauthorized access. This can be particularly valuable for businesses and other high-value properties, where the risk of theft or damage is high.

Another key advantage of a monitored security system is that it provides a sense of peace of mind. Knowing that your property is being monitored 24/7 by trained professionals can help you feel more secure and confident, whether you are at home, at work, or away on vacation. This sense of security can be particularly valuable for families with young children, elderly relatives, or other vulnerable individuals.

In addition to providing security and peace of mind, a monitored security system can also help you save money on insurance premiums. Many insurance companies offer discounts to homeowners and businesses that have installed a monitored security system, as these systems are seen as a lower risk for theft and other types of property damage. This can help offset the initial cost of installing a monitored security system, and make it a more attractive option for those on a budget.

When it comes to choosing a monitored security system, there are a few key factors to consider. First and foremost, it is important to choose a system that is reliable and easy to use. Look for a system that has a proven track record of success, and that comes with user-friendly software and mobile apps that allow you to monitor your property from anywhere.

It is also important to consider the level of monitoring that you need. Some monitored security systems offer basic monitoring services, which simply alert authorities in the event of an intrusion or other security breach. Other systems offer more advanced monitoring features, such as real-time video monitoring and remote access to your security system’s sensors and cameras. Depending on your needs and budget, you may want to consider a more advanced monitoring system that provides more comprehensive protection and greater peace of mind.

Finally, it is important to choose a monitored security system that is backed by excellent customer support. Look for a system that offers 24/7 customer support, with trained professionals available to help you troubleshoot any issues that may arise. You should also look for a system that comes with a comprehensive warranty or service plan, so that you can be confident that your investment is protected over the long term.

A monitored security system is an essential tool for ensuring the safety and security of your property. With a variety of sensors, cameras, and other devices installed throughout your property, a monitored security system can provide an additional layer of protection against burglars, vandals, and other criminals. Whether you are a homeowner, a business owner, or simply someone who wants to feel more secure and confident in your daily life, a monitored security system can be a valuable investment that provides peace of mind and long-term protection. So if you are considering installing a security system, be sure to explore your options carefully, and choose a system that meets your needs and fits your budget.

Moreover, monitored security systems can also provide valuable evidence in the event of a crime. With real-time video monitoring and other advanced features, a monitored security system can capture detailed footage of any suspicious activity, which can be used to identify and apprehend criminals. This can be particularly useful for businesses and other high-value properties, where the cost of property damage and theft can be substantial.

In addition, a monitored security system can also provide added convenience and control. Many modern security systems can be controlled remotely via mobile apps and other online platforms, allowing you to check in on your property from anywhere in the world. This can be particularly valuable for business owners who need to monitor their property during off-hours or while traveling.


Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Mansfield Emergency Locksmith

If you need an emergency locksmith in Mansfield, TX then we hope you will call Mansfield Locksmith. Being available at all hours to help our customers is something that we take pride in. We know other businesses, when it isn’t convenient for them, will turn you away. However, we are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

 If you need 24/7 emergency lockout assistance in Mansfield, TX, be sure to remember our name. We are Mansfield Locksmith, and we offer more convenience to customers than ever before, being available to help you around the clock. What more could you ask for? Our great prices keep customers coming back again and again.


Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Transponder Key Problems and Solutions

If you drive a vehicle made in the last two decades or so, then it is highly likely that your vehicle key is actually a type of vehicle key known as a transponder key. Transponder keys have been a mandatory component for all vehicle lock and key systems since the mid-1990s. They ultimately help protect drivers from car theft. Prior to their existence, vehicles were much easier to hotwire and steal. Now, with the presence of a transponder signal system in one’s car, it is nearly impossible for your car to be stolen without the actual key.

How Does a Transponder Key Work?

A transponder key system is actually made up of two separate components. One is the signal that sits inside of your actual vehicle key. The second is the part of the signal that sits inside of your vehicle and is not visible just by looking at your vehicle. These two components work together and communicate through an electronic signal.

In order for one to start their vehicle, both the key part of the transponder system, in addition to the signal within the car, must be clear and free of interference. The two signals recognize each other without drivers even realizing what is happening. This hidden signal actually keeps your car from being stolen. The transponder key itself must be present for the vehicle to start at all. This is why hotwiring and stealing cars that have transponder signals is nearly impossible. Without a signal coming from the transponder key to the car, the car will not start or go anywhere, even if someone were to attempt to hotwire it.

Since the introduction of transponder keys, car thefts have decreased significantly. They are a great invention that takes vehicle safety one step further. If you are experiencing issues with your transponder key, keep reading to find out how you can resolve common problems transponder key owners can experience.

Potential Problems with Transponder Keys

Although transponder keys do a great job at keeping your vehicle secure and within your possession, they are not a foolproof system. Inevitably, just like with any other car part, transponder keys can break or cause other problems for vehicle drivers.

Broken Transponder Key

A broken transponder key could mean a couple of different things. You will know your transponder key is not working properly if it has been smashed or visibly destroyed in some way, but there are also more subtle injuries that can occur inside the key, especially when it comes to transponder keys. The chip inside of your transponder key can become damaged over the course of time due to normal wear and tear. Keys are carried with us everywhere and often abused at the bottom of purses and bags. If your transponder key suddenly stops working, even though there is no visible external damage, it could be that the internal chip has worn out or has been knocked out of place.

Broken Internal Component

It is also possible that the car’s internal transponder signal has become damaged. This will be even more difficult to determine, if not impossible. The car’s internal transponder signal can become damaged in ways similar to your transponder key’s signal. Normal wear and tear over the course of time can cause this to happen or accidents and fender benders may even cause the internal signal to become damaged.

Lost Transponder Key

A lost transponder key will pose a problem for vehicle drivers. This is because not just any spare vehicle key will work if you need to drive your car. Spare keys may not come with a transponder signal and it is unlikely that any spare key for your vehicle will operate the car or open little else than the trunk, doors, and glovebox, if it does not have the signal. If you do happen to lose your transponder key, you will need to have it replaced right away and a new transponder key programmed for you.

How to Receive a Replacement

The easiest and most efficient way to receive a transponder key replacement, regardless of how your key ended up lost or damaged in the first place, is to contact a certified locksmith. Locksmiths work with the locks and keys on homes and businesses, but also vehicles and automobiles of all kinds. No matter what kind of car you own or drive, you can be sure that a locksmith will be able to handle a transponder key replacement or repair.

Most certified locksmiths will offer emergency mobile locksmithing services. These services are specifically for on-site and on-location lock changes, key replacements, and other locksmithing tasks. Since a broken or lost transponder key will mean you will not be able to move or operate your vehicle without assistance, you have two options in this circumstance. You can either call a tow truck to take you to a dealership, or you can call a mobile locksmith.

Calling a mobile locksmith is recommended since it will save you time and money. It is a hassle to have to work with multiple businesses just to receive a simple transponder key replacement. A mobile locksmith will be able to come directly to your location and get you back on the road ASAP. Count on a mobile locksmith to help you with your transponder key troubles and you will save both time and money.

Need a Local Automotive Locksmithing Expert?

Mansfield, Texas vehicle drivers that need transponder key replacement, vehicle lockout assistance services, or other vehicle lock and key issues addressed, can contact Mansfield Locksmith 24-hours a day, seven days a week. In the Mansfield area, there is no other mobile locksmithing service that compares to Mansfield Locksmith. Our lock and key experts are fast, efficient, and always able to provide superior repairs and replacements, no matter when you make your request for services. Call our staff whenever you need a certified locksmith, even if it is in the middle of the night. We promise fast, affordable, and superior locksmithing services every time!

Source: Transponder Key Problems and Solutions

For more information, contact here:

24 Hour Mobile Locksmiths
Monday through Sunday, all day
Dispatch Address: 3251 Matlock Rd , Mansfield, TX 76063
Phone: (817) 260-0170

Friday, October 25, 2019

5 Best Outdoor Security Cameras To Protect Your Homes Perimeter

Outdoor Security Camera
To achieve a home security that can be considered complete, homeowners will have to rely on more than just the best front door locks that they have installed. Security is all about layers, and these layers often consist of active and passive security deterrents. Your door locks are a prime example of active security deterrents, and this is why it is usually important to figure out how much force your deadbolts can withstand.
However, in addition to your door locks and other active security measures, security cameras can be used to protect your home. The focus today will be on outdoor security cameras and the specific ones that can be used to best protect the security and perimeter of your home. Without further ado, here the 5 best outdoor security cameras that will help you protect the perimeter of your home:

1. Netgear Arlo Pro 2

Netgear Arlo Pro 2
The Netgear Arlo Pro 2 is the best outdoor security camera that homeowners can get their hands on. The similarities between this and it’s runner-up, the Nest Cam Outdoor, are uncanny. However, in some of the categories where it counts the most, the Netgear Arlo Pro 2 excels far ahead of the competition. In regard to focus range and video resolution, the Arlo Pro 2 has a 130-degree viewing angle that is coupled with crisp 1080p HD video quality. This means that there is very little that your camera will not be able to capture.

In addition to the visual aspect of the camera, it is built in a sturdy fashion that makes it a challenging foe to the natural elements it will have to contend with. The camera boasts an operating temperature that ranges between -4 degrees Fahrenheit to 113 degrees Fahrenheit, which equates to between -20 degrees Celsius to 45 degrees Celsius. Essentially, it is well equipped to withstand harsh temperatures. However, this is one of the few areas where the Nest Cam outdoors beats the Netgear Arlo Pro 2.

When it comes to the storage of footage, this camera gives homeowners multiple options that they can take advantage of. First, the Arlo Pro 2 allows for local storage via a USB connection. This allows homeowners to connect USB devices or cards to the camera and store camera footage. In addition to this, the camera also allows for free cloud-based storage. The only caveat that comes with the cloud-based storage is that it only stores up to 7 days worth of footage. This amount of storage can be increased based on subscription services if need be.
The Arlo Pro 2 is versatile, so it allows homeowners to decide if they want the camera plugged in or to be wireless. Thanks to its battery pack, the camera can run for an estimated 5 months before it requires a charging cycle. This gives homeowners the ability to place their cameras in multiple locations without having to worry about power cords, or whether or not their security will be down in the event of a power outage.

In addition to some of the great features listed above, the Arlo Pro 2 also comes equipped with an audible smart security siren that acts as an additional security deterrent. The camera also features motion and audio detection, as well as 2-way audio that allows you to listen and talk to anything in the area of where your camera is installed. At the price point of $456, the Arlo Pro 2 might seem steep, but considering the fact that you are getting a base station as well as 2 camera units, it seems like a fairly good deal.

Continue reading the source page: 5 Best Outdoor Security Cameras To Protect Your Homes Perimeter
Read further on related article: New Year, New Concerns for Seller Safety

Choosing the right security can be a challenging task. Thus, weigh all your options and choose a security that helps you adequately guard your perimeter. To learn more tips on how to make your home secured, you may check out our website – Mansfield, TX 76063 or call (817) 260-0170.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Mansfield Locksmith: How Weather Changes Affect Door Locks

We all know how important locks are. They protect our valuables and they keep us and our family safe. Locks are what stand between us and burglars and thieves. The problem is that most people only pay attention to the state of their locks when there is a problem. Most people replace locks when they malfunction or when they are no longer working as they should. But did you know that weather can have adverse effects on locks as well? In some cases, even new locks may have problems when it’s too hot or too cold outside. And the reality is that a lock that suddenly malfunctions can cause a lot of problems.

Weather Changes Cause All Sorts of Problems

Weather can affect locks and cause a lot of problems. There have been many cases where locks have stopped working when temperatures dropped below zero. Also, some locks stopped working when the weather was too hot. And it’s not just the locks on your front door that are malfunctioning. The locks on your vehicle may suddenly stop working as well. The humidity, moisture and temperature of the outside air all play a role. When the conditions are right, your locks will start to malfunction. And this can cause a lot of problems:

  • You will suddenly experience a lockout. You will not be able to get into your vehicle or into your home.
  • The locks may be less secure and may open immediately when someone attempt to use the bumping technique on them.
  • The door lock may simply break when you turn the key in it. Your key will become stuck and the door will remain shut. 
  • You will sometimes be unable to lock the door behind you. In other words, you will struggle with the lock every morning, usually arriving late to work.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

What to Do With Old Locks

Are you the type of person who moves a lot? Do you have a lot of keys sitting around? Do you own rentals properties? These are all situations that will find you with a lot of left over keys. Even when you need to have locks changed, this means you will be left with old locks. These situations will also leave you with locks and keys. Now what do you do with all these left over keys and locks when they begin piling up? People have brought us there old keys at Mansfield Locksmith in Mansfield, Texas to find out if we wanted to buy them and use them for anything. We don’t buy keys but we are happy to advise our customers of some creative ways they might use their old keys.

When Your Change Locks 

Consider all the types of buildings you see every day, office complexes, houses, high-rise housing, restaurants, retail stores, hotels, dorms, universities and more. These places all have doors and locks. These doors need a key to open them and to close them to protect the contents of what is inside. Have you seen maintenance engineers and all the keys they carry around with you? If you have you are the manager of building, you’ll have new occupants, which means you’ll need to rekey the locks or completely install new locks. This means you’ll require new locks either way.

Unknown Keys 

You may open up that junk drawer every now and then and notice a bunch of keys in the drawer, not even knowing where they come from or what they go to. You don’t have to let these mystery keys clutter up your house or your junk drawer. There are keys sitting there that you are likely afraid to throw out for fear that as soon as you do, you will realize what they go to. Wait! those were the keys to the safe deposit box that I still have something in or wait, that belongs to the file cabinet in the basement. The truth of the matter is that if you haven’t used the key in a long time, you really don’t need it. There are those rare occasions when you’ll throw away a key that you actually needed, but again that is very ‘rare’.

Not Adding to Landfills

There are plenty of reasons why you might be sitting with a bunch of keys. How you acquired them is not the question. The question at this point is what do you do with them? Do you just throw them in the trash? This doesn’t solve the problem; it only contributes to the problem. When you toss keys, you contribute to the already over-run landfills. There are plenty of ways to use these keys, although you may not be aware of it. We’re here to tell you exactly what you can do with these keys.

Recycle – Key are recyclable. You can collect them all and take them to a recycling facility. They are usually melted down when given to a recycling facility. Take all anything on the keys, tags, rubber, holders or stickers. Your recycling center might even have a mixed metals bin that you can contribute to. This should give some since of accomplishment knowing that your old keys will be put to good use.

Rekeying – Some locksmiths will repurpose your keys for you. Contact some of your local locksmiths and find out if your keys can be remade into something else. You just might be surprised with some of the suggestions they have to offer to you.

Weights – We have even heard of people sewing them into the bottom of their curtains or tablecloths to keep them in place. They just need to be sewn into the hem so that you can keep your curtains from flying all over the place. This is what tends to happen if you decide to leave a door or window open and you have light-weight curtains. We thought this idea was very practical.

Fishing Weights – You can use them on the end of your hook as a weight.

Hold Down Shower Curtains – While this is similar to weight you do to keep curtains and tablecloths from flying away, you can also use magnets in this project. You simply attach the key to a magnet with glue to hold the curtain in place and keep it from flying up when you are using the shower.


Source:What to Do With Old Locks


For more information, contact here:

24 Hour Mobile Locksmiths
Monday through Sunday, all day
Dispatch Address: 3251 Matlock Rd , Mansfield, TX 76063
Phone: (817) 260-0170

Monday, June 5, 2017


Who do you call when you want the locks changed out? Your locksmith; of course! That much is a given, but have you ever wondered what gives the lock technician the right to alter a lock so much that it needs new keys? Think about it. If someone disliked you enough to pay someone to change your home locks, would that be appropriate? Of course not! It’s not only improper, it’s highly illegal and doing something like this would land you behind bars and your locksmith, too. That brings up the little thought of question; just who is authorized to change locks, anyway? Our Mansfield Locksmith staff offers these clues and tips to help you in the event that you need lock rekeys or change outs in the future.

Are you the responsible party? 

If anyone ordering a lock change could get it done for a few dollars and with no authorization, there would not be any bank robberies or home burglaries. Crooks would simply have the locks changed at the destinations they want to rob and no one would be wiser. In reality, lock changes can only take place upon presenting proof of ownership to the hired locksmith. This rule applies to any location, be it home, auto or business. If you order a lock change, you must be able and ready to show proof of ownership or proper management credentials along with identity verification or your lock technician will not comply with your request.

What about temptation and cash under the table?

You may be wondering about bribing locksmiths with extra cash for doing a rekey job without authorization. It’s bound to happen but this is one of the reasons that it is so very important to only deal with reputable locksmith shops that are licensed, bonded and insured. These authentic locksmiths are true professionals that have high standards and real ethics. They’ve gone to great lengths to build their businesses and local reputations and usually won’t risk fines, loss of reputation and jail time in exchange for a few dollars under the table.

Residential lock changes

If you own your home, you can legitimately order the locks changed, but you must show proof of ownership as well as proof of identity to your locksmith. You must also be present at the time of service. If you are renting your home, you cannot change the locks without prior permission from your landlord, property manager or owner. You may want to have the place rekeyed because doing so will give you a brand new set of keys that previous tenants did not have. Your landlord may agree to this but will almost always insist on you giving him or her one or more copies of that key. For details that apply to your particular situation, be sure to check your lease as it should be spelled out in complete detail there.

Commercial lock changes

Pretty much the same rules that govern home lock changes apply to commercial locks, too. In order to legitimately have the businesses locks rekeyed or replaced, you need to be in the legitimate position to do so. This means that you need to be the owner or designated manager and show proof as such along with proper identification and written permission if you are not. There is such a vast variety of businesses, not only here in Mansfield, TX but everywhere in the country but the same rules apply whether the locksmith is dealing with a pizza shop or a hotel.

Please continue reading this post here:

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Mansfield Locksmith - Should I Rekey or Replace Locks?

Have you lost or misplaced your keys, fired an employee or moved into a new house or apartment? If your answer is yes to any of those situations, you may be interested in getting your locks changed. Did you know that you do not have to get new locks if those old locks still work? Instead, you can get them re-keyed at Mansfield Locksmith in Mansfield, Texas. If you have no idea what it means to re-key a lock, you need to continue reading…
Re-keying a lock is an option that many people do not know about. However, if you have a highly rated lock, this may be a much better option for you, instead of purchasing new locks, which can get quite costly. Some locksmiths may shy away from offering this option to their customers. Why? It is much more costly to have your locks replaced which equals to more monetary gains for the locksmith. But what exactly does it mean to re-key a lock?

Re-keying Locks

Although the name may sound very technical and the process requires a certain level of expertise, it is not extremely difficult to re-key a lock. When a lock is re-keyed, the locksmith replaces the pins and springs in the lock cylinder with new ones. This means that the old keys will no longer work in the lock. Instead, you have to use a new set of keys to open the lock.

For the locksmith to re-key the lock, the lock has to be taken apart. The entire process takes a few minutes to be completed, providing that the lock and security professional is knowledgeable and experienced in doing a re-key. If the pins and spring do not match up with the key, the lock and key will not be functional together. It is therefore very important that a re-key is done accurately. Make sure that the locksmith checks whether or not the key works in the lock before leaving otherwise you may end up with a lock and key system that is not functional.

When you re-key a lock, it does not mean that you have compromised the effectiveness of the lock. It also does not mean that it is now more effective than before. It simply means that you have extended the life of the lock you had, by giving it a new key.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Appoint A locksmith – Get The Best Lockout Service

Security is important and it’s very essential today. It is important to make your house protected and secure. The security is important in homes, office and in business. Without security, it is hard to save your home from the hands of the robbers. Hoodlums and thieves break into the house at the mid of the night and steal valuable items from your house.

Locksmiths in Cumming, GA provides locksmith services that repair the locks and keys and furthermore, they keep up the wellbeing and security of your home, office, and business too. They are effective in taking away the peace of your mind that you feel about your home and business, when you are far from your home.

The new approach of locking and utilizing the security framework is by method for the computerized frameworks that guarantees a superior execution than at any other time. The locksmiths are aware of the most recent method of the advanced bolting framework. Great locksmiths have tremendous interest nowadays and they know the most cutting edge technologies to make your home protected and save it from the hands of the robbers.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Lockheal Promotes Its Scheduling App as a Way to Match Customers With Nearby Legitimate Locksmiths

HOBOKEN, N.J., March 14, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Lockheal, a solution innovator, released its new and first of its kind patent pending enterprise locksmith service appointment scheduling service on March 17, 2017. This new web and mobile based technology is available on iOS and Android and gives users the opportunity to schedule an emergency or non-emergency service appointment by choosing a desired locksmith on a live map or receiving price bids based on location, desired distance, type of service, language spoken and price. A live-chat option is available so a phone call is not required for communication or locksmith appointment scheduling. Every registered locksmith on the application is listed with their preferred service price, work reviews, preferred language, location, profile image, license information and services provided. This makes it easy for customers to decide which locksmith will best suit their needs. The Lockheal platform can effectively translate almost any language during user chats, making the service readily available to almost anyone.

Lockheal offers access directly to licensed locksmiths eliminating the need for a middle man. Many locksmith companies found online are mere call centers that forward customers' business to actual locksmiths. Such call centers may take a substantial service fee, potentially requiring locksmiths to overcharge their customers.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Mansfield Locksmith Experts

When you need to track down the right locksmith, Mansfield Locksmith is your best bet! Whether automotive, residential, or commercial ~ from simple to complicated requests, any service you’re looking for in lock and key services, our mobile staff locksmiths are ready to help.

Automotive Services
·         automotive emergency lockout services, 24/7
·         ignition cylinder replacement
·         unjam the glove box
·         …& more!
Residential Services
·         residential emergency lockout services, 24/7
·         peepholes
·         bump-proof locks
·         …& more!
Commercial Services
·         commercial emergency lockout services, 24/7
·         keypads
·         panic bars & fire/emergency doors
·         …& more!

Locked out? Then you mustn’t get upset, because Mansfield Locksmith will soon come to your aid!

CALL NOW! (817) 260-0170 ~ We’ll get there in mere minutes!

If you need to hire a dependable locksmith, Mansfield Locksmith is a cut above the others:
·         locksmith help for your car, your home, & your commercial property
·         very affordable
·         emergency lockout services, 24/7
·         rapid response
·         mobile staff Mansfield locksmiths dispatched without delay
·         every mobile staff locksmith possesses background clearance
·         …& much, much more!

All of Mansfield Locksmith’s mobile staff locksmith technicians are highly experienced professionals. Each of us is local, background-checked, bonded, certified, licensed, and insured. We are undoubtedly the most knowledgeable on how best to handle anything when it comes to resolving issues with locks and keys.

CALL DAY OR NIGHT! (817) 260-0170

If it’s time you found a good locksmith in Mansfield, Texas, we’re open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

All our lock work is done with the most reputable brands:
·         American
·         Baldwin
·         Falcon
·         Kwikset
·         Medeco
·         Primus
·         Schlage
·         Sentry
·         …& many more!

Have you been seeking a reliable locksmith? Mansfield Locksmith is positively your go-to locksmith in Mansfield, Texas!

You’ll discover every possible locksmith solution here at Mansfield Locksmith:
·         emergency lockout services, 24/7
·         garage & fence locks
·         install an intercom system
·         making & duplicating keys
·         lock installation
·         changing locks
·         lock repairs
·         mailbox locks
·         replacing locks
·         panic bars
·         emergency/fire doors
·         deadbolts
·         video surveillance
·         safes for business & home
·         broken & stuck key removal
·         rekeying
·         magnetic locks
·         keyless remotes
·         …& much, much more!

CALL TODAY! (817) 260-0170